The PulStar is the most advanced Chiropractic Analysis and Treatment System ever developed.

The PulStar puts a small force (6 pounds)into each vertebra and it senses the feedback from the bone as to how resistive it is to that force.  It also measures the quality of motion of the bone(too much or too little).  This information is displayed graphically so that Dr. Ferguson can easily locate which joints are not “playing along” in spinal function.  The computer makes suggestions as to which joints should be adjusted.  Dr. Ferguson then selects the joints for adjustment, choose the impact force, and the instrument uses REPETITIVE adjustments to restore joint function.  As the instrument is adjusting, it’s also sensing the motion and varying the frequency of impact to ensure maximal effectiveness and comfort.  When 10 oscillatory adjustments are within tolerance, the sensor has deemed joint motion restoration to have occurred and it shuts off automatically.  Dr. Ferguson then rechecks the entire spine to assess the effectiveness of the adjustment.  Both he and the patient can compare on the screen what the patient’s LAST visit was like compared to the ‘before’ and ‘after’ assessments. This level of accountability is a FIRST for Chiropractic and helps give Dr. Ferguson objectivity when making recommendations for care.Full Screen

Where can I find more information?

Ask Lorri or Margaret for a book, pamphlet or magazine on the PulStar. You can also click here to go to the PulStar web site.

Dr. Ferguson: How can something so gentle be effective?

pro-2Think of a ‘jackhammer’ versus a ‘sledgehammer’.  Both are effective, one uses many pulses of less force.  Consider how a woodpecker can make a hole in the hardest of trees with multiple impacts.  Also, this instrument is so advanced, that it adjusts in the subharmonic frequency of the subluxated joint.  This is complicated, but visualize two children swinging on a swingset.  One’s swinging fast and another is swinging slowly.  If you push on the childrens’ backs as they swing in the same frequency of the child’s swinging, then the child barely feels you.  The PulStar works similarly by pushing on the joint every 5th, 6th, or 8th(etc.) wave of the joint’s frequency.  It’s in a subharmonic:  like pushing on the child every 2nd or 3rd swing – but in that child’s frequency – so it’s comfortable.  With manual adjustments, I only have one frequency to offer the joint: MINE.  I’m as fast as I can be, but I’m not as fast as the PulStar.  Force = mass times acceleration.  If the force is fast, it does not have to be big.

This is the PulStar’s adjusting head:G3 Head

Dr. Ferguson: Is computer-assisted adjusting all you do?

No, but it is my primary assessment and adjusting technique.  For most patients, they seldom need many manual adjustments, but there are situations where a manual adjustment is the best choice for the patient. For some, I have found a combination of PulStar adjusting and manual adjusting is necessary. It depends on the spine.

This technology is accurate, objective, gentle, and effective.  Our patients love it.