

We are here to help.

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Focusing on health and wellness, discover what makes us different.

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Contact us (hours and directions) today to take your first step to a healthy lifestyle.

(519) 941-1570

Who We Are

This clinic is about a multifactorial approach to health and disease. We utilize Chiropractic and nutritional principles to remove structural, biochemical, and emotional interference with the optimal expression of patients’ health potential. This site is about disseminating information about our health paradigm (how we view things) and health services to patients and prospective patients in a user – friendly way. We hope that you learn something new viewing our site and that you ultimately choose our office for your health care.

We have spared no expense in becoming great at helping people get and stay well. We think we are a pretty special clinic, mostly because of what we are told by patients who have sought other help throughout the years. Also, our approach is one which meets you where you want, but we usually surprise most people in how much we can impact their health from so many different aspects beyond traditional Chiropractic care, or even just relief of their symptoms.  We are truly “patient-centred”.

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